Datos Sobre Mi

My passion started when my children were of school age and I wanted to create desserts for them to take to school. I took a Wilton Class at one of our craft stores and was immediately hooked on cake decorating. However, I wanted to further my skills, therefore I searched the web and found several local cake artists that were giving classes and I quickly enrolled. I have taken classes with several well-known cake artists. I continue to strive and learn new skills as they arise in the "Cake World" as I call it. Please keep visting my blog and facebook page, feel free to comment and share ideas.

martes, 31 de mayo de 2011

Pastel Red Velvet

Este pastel lo hice con la receta de Paula Deen, quien tiene un show de cocina en television por el canal Food Network.  Es un pastel rojo con el lustre de queso crema.  Quedo riquisimo!!

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